This page is Dedicated to the

Members of Brigantine Memorial Post 6964,

who have Left Their Families and their Fellow Members. 

Please remember these Combat Veterans in your Prayers.    
We Honor Our Fallen Members by
Taking Care Of, Supporting and Recognizing the Living! 


I now know why men who have been to war yearn

to reunite.


Not to tell stories or look at old pictures. Not to

laugh or weep.


Comrades gather because they long to be with the

men who once acted at their best:


Men who suffered and sacrificed, who were

stripped of their humanity.


I did not pick these men.  They were delivered by

fate and the military.


But I know them in a way I know no other men.  I

have never given anyone such trust.


They were willing to guard something more

precious than my life.

They would have carried my reputation, the

memory of me.


 It was part of the bargain we all made, the reason

we were so willing to die for one another.


As long as I have my memory, I will think of them

all, every day.


I am sure that when I leave this world, my last

thought will be of


 my family and my comrades -- such good men.


Author unknown




Click Here For the Final Salute Video 




John F. Coyle


Joseph DiMezza

- Army

Henry Eden

Member - Air Force

Eugene Fabbi


Robert Ferris

Past Post Quartermaster - Navy

Harold P. Finny


Gerald Highberger

Captain - Marines

William Jones

Past Post Commander - Air Force

Edward T. Kemly


Charles Newkirk

Adjautant - Navy

Samuel D. Pepper


John Rogge

Member - Navy

Edward R. Scott


Norman A. Wagenheim

- Navy

Patrick W. Weitzel


Ralph Williams

Member - Army

Comrade 1

Commander - Marines